
Showing posts from February, 2015

Buying in Rocket Ships and Selling in Fire Sale

Source: Asked to me by Ankush Jain (CSE IITB 2011, Morgan Stanley Quant Associate). He took it from Algorithms Design book by Tardos and Kleinberg Problem: Easy case: You’re trying to buy equipments whose costs are   appreciating. Item i appreciates at a rate of r_i  > 1 per month, starting from  $100, so if you buy it t months from now you will pay 100*((r_i)^t) .  If you can only buy one item per month, what is the optimal order in which to  buy them? Difficult case: You’re trying to sell equipments whose costs are depreciating . Item  i  depreciates at a rate of  r_i  < 1 per month, starting from  $100, so if you sell it  t  months from now you will get  100*((r_i)^t) .  If you can only sell one item per month, what is the optimal order in which to sell  them?