
Showing posts from December, 2014

Maximum Number of Collinear Points

Source: Asked to me by a friend - who was asked this question in an interview at Facebook Problem: Given n points on a 2D plane, find the equation of the line with maximum number of collinear points. What is the time complexity of your algorithm?

Mathematics of SET game

Source: Sent to me by Pritish Kamath ( ) Problem: Have you ever played "SET"? You have to play it. Even if you have not played the game, the game can be stated in a more abstract way as follows: There are 12 points presented in  F 3 4  and the first person to observe a "line" amongst the 12 given points gets a score. Then the 3 points forming the line are removed, and 3 random fresh points are added. Problem 1: How many points in  F 3 4  are needed to be sure that there exists a line among them? Problem 2: Given 12 random points in  F 3 4 , what is the probability that there exists a line among them? Disclaimer: We have not solved the problem yet. It can be very difficult or very easy. Update (22/12/14): It turns out to be a very very difficult problem. Paper:

Expected Number of Attempts - Broken Coffee Machine

Source:   Mind Your Decisions Blog Related Problem:   Expected Length of Last Straw - Breaking the back of a Camel - CSE Blog Problem: Your boss tells you to bring him a cup of coffee from the company vending machine. The problem is the machine is broken. When you press the button for a drink, it will randomly fill a percentage of the cup (between 0 and 100 percent). You know you need to bring a full cup back to your boss. What’s the expected number of times you will have to fill the cup? Example:  The machine fills the cup 10 percent, then 30 percent, then 80 percent–>the cup is full plus 20 percent that you throw away or drink yourself. It took 3 fills of the cup.